Friday, March 25, 2005

Idol Results

To quote Hall and Oates, "Well, she's gone. Whoa I, whoa I..." Ding Dong the annoying ball of energy known as Mikalah has been sent packing. And not a moment too soon in my opinion. The show seemed to be running long so Ryan just cut through his suspense schtick and was like, "Mikalah, get the hell out! But before you go remind of us why we hate you again by singing that awful song in that awful way you do again"

I was not surprised by the bottom 3 except I thought that Vonzell would be there instead of Nadia but Nadia was not good on Tuesday. I am surprised that America seemed to be voting for the person that did the best vs. their favorite personality. I now have more respect for 13 year old girls.

Big Thumbs up for the "He Ain't Heavy" rendition. Cheesy song, sung cheesily by cheesy contestants...That's good television.

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