Monday, April 04, 2005

Who Will Help Me Plant the Wheat?

redhen, originally uploaded by mylilpip.

Today I started my first day as a storyteller to k-school and pre-k kids. It was fun to tell "The Little Red Hen" to the next generation. They pay me to play with kids. You gotta love that.

The school today, Davis, was one of the best CPS schools that I have ever been too. It was a k-8 school that had an African American art theme. Everywhere was great art. They had paintings, drawings, etchings, sculptures, masks, clothes. It was wonderful.

Something not for the kids is the next incarnation of Straight & Nappy. It seems that we will definately be performing at The Majestic Midway Theatre this month. I have to put into plan a whole new marketing plan. I wished I had paid more attention in my business of theatre course.

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